| Michael Bone (Chair) |
 | I am a Director at the Health and Safety Executive, where I have worked for 24 years. I began as an Inspector and have a great deal of experience in the practice of inspection, investigation and enforcement of Health and Safety legislation. This has taken place across all different industries, including education and the service sector. My previous roles within the organisation have included a national role overseeing all aspects of cost recovery related to HSE operational activity and a stakeholder liaison role when I worked closely with industry developing policies and procedures with key stakeholders, chairing working groups and committees on a regular basis. I currently oversee and have responsibility for all inspection work carried out nationally within conventional workplaces.
I have effective communication and negotiation skills with a significant amount of experience of dealing with change and challenging and difficult situations.
Our family moved to Morpeth almost 16 years ago when our 15 year old daughter was two weeks old. She is currently completing her GCSEs at KEVI with a view to going into sixth form in the Autumn. Our second daughter is in her last term at Newminster and will be moving to KEVI in September. They both attended Abbeyfields and loved every moment – that’s the reason I became a Governor. My wife, Helen, is a dentist practising in Alnwick. As a family, we enjoy camping, walking, family holidays and generally just being together. I have an active interest in several sports including cycling and running and used to play rugby at Morpeth Rugby Club. I have also been a member at Morpeth Golf Club for over 10yrs.
We all support Abbeyfields where the educational ethos is of achievement in a nurturing and caring environment. I am very proud to be associated with Abbeyfields and enjoy every minute I spend there. |
| Hannah Brown |
I was born in Surrey but came to Newcastle University to study Medicine in 1995. After qualifying to be a doctor in 2000 I worked in hospitals across the North-East for 4 years before deciding to train in General Practice. I have now been a GP since 2006; my specialist clinical interests include child health and development and I am the nominated Lead for Safeguarding Children and Adults for my Practice. I am also actively involved in training doctors who are learning to be GPs.
My work requires me to have excellent communication skills with both children and adults. I have held a senior leadership position within the practice, which requires effective team working skills as well as recognising and developing each colleague’s unique skill-set and expertise. Working in an ever-changing NHS requires a deep understanding of the complex and varied needs of individuals within the community and the need for continual development of services to meet those needs, whilst understanding the challenge of increased demand but with limited resources. I believe these are all attributes which I hope to bring to the role of School Governor to serve the children and families of Abbeyfields.
When it came to choosing a place to bring up our family we could think of no better place than Morpeth, and no better school than Abbeyfields for our children. I have one son currently at Newminster and one who, having flourished beyond all expectations due to the team at Abbeyfields, went on to continue and complete his educational journey with Cheviot Trust. I hope, as a Governor, to be able to give back just a little of what the school has given us. |
| Clare Sample |
 | I grew up in the North East and moved to Morpeth in 2001. I currently live in Kirkhill, very close to Abbeyfields, with my husband and teenage son who attended Newminster and now KEVI. I currently work for Northumberland County Council as a Lawyer. I specialise in Employment Law, advising the HR teams on legal matters relating to all Council employees including those who work in Northumberland Schools. In addition to my main role, I also act as Clerk to the School Admission Appeal Panels. School Admission Appeals take place when a family has not been successful in applying to the school of their choice and appeal this decision. I provide legal advice to the panel.
Earlier in my life I attended Sheffield University where I studied a degree in Business Studies. I then joined Northumbria Police, as a police officer, for 12 years. I then studied law, part-time, at Northumbria University and became a lawyer. I specialised in Employment Law from the beginning, working at Dickinson Dees which, more recently, became Womble Bond Dickinson. I have a particular interest in mental health issues and disabilities, both in the work place and also in schools.
Outside of work I enjoy the outdoors. I love horse riding and walking my dog. I also enjoy fell-walking, particularly in the Lake District. |
| Andrew Plews |
 | My wife, son and I moved to Morpeth in 2019 and my son is currently a pupil at Abbeyfields and very much enjoying his time there. Prior to this we lived in a small town just north of Aberdeen for 10 years.
I grew up in Morpeth and went to schools in the town before taking up an Engineering apprenticeship in Newcastle and becoming a Mechanical Engineer. Through my career I achieved a BEng in Mechanical Engineering at Northumbria University and then went on to complete a Masters degree in Subsea Engineering around 10 years ago. Having been in Engineering for 25 years, I am currently employed as an Engineering Manager by Baker Hughes where I am based in the Newcastle office.
In my job I lead several teams of experienced and senior engineers spread around the UK and Europe. As part of my role I am responsible for ensuring competency, safety and quality on the products the engineering solutions the team produce.
In my role as a Governor, I hope to be able to give some of my time to support the school and School Governing Body, particularly as a parent of a current pupil. I am also hoping to learn and develop myself through working with Abbeyfields and the Cheviot Trust. |
| Caroline Elton |
 | After growing up in Northumberland, I moved to Sheffield and studied to achieve an honours degree in Primary Education, before embarking on a career in education, which I have loved.
I have lived in Morpeth for the last 25 years after teaching in a number of different local authorities including Berkshire, London and Solihull. My current role as Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo in a local primary school ensures that I understand and work with the day-to-day challenges and joys that schools face in real terms. My whole working life has been dedicated to delivering high quality education to primary age pupils as a teacher and school leader. I am passionate about supporting our schools and young people in Northumberland to achieve well and enjoy bright and exciting futures. During my career, I have supported the youngest and most vulnerable learners in different schools including as Designated Safeguarding Lead too.
Outside of school and work, I enjoy walking my dog, spending time with family and have recently taken up yoga. I particularly enjoy our lovely town of Morpeth, especially the shops, walks and of course the cafes for a spot of lunch. |
| Laura Alexander |

| I knew from a very young age I wanted to be a teacher and have taught English for 17 years to children ranging from 9-18 years of age. I am currently Acting Assistant Head for Inclusion, SENCO and English teacher at Chantry Middle School.
For the last six years I have been Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) completing my NASENCO qualification in 2020. I have been a SENCO in a secondary school, primary school and now at Chantry Middle. I am a massive advocate for inclusion within schools and am constantly astounded by the resilience, determination and enthusiasm of the children I have worked with.
I have been a proud Abbeyfields parent for seven years with both of my children attending the school. It is my pleasure to now be a Governor at Abbeyfields working with a committed and passionate team who are dedicated to providing a supporting, nurturing and inclusive school.
Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my family, drinking tea and watching Formula 1. |
| Kate Jackson |
 | I grew up in North Lincolnshire and moved to Morpeth what seems a lifetime ago. My daughter is currently a pupil at Abbeyfields and loves the Abbeyfields family. My son has recently moved on from Abbeyfields to middle school.
My husband grew up in Morpeth and attended Abbeyfields as a child and we wanted our children to follow the same educational path.
I currently work for Northumberland County Council as a Workforce Information Analyst and prior to this I was a Retail Store Manager for over 10 years.
In my role as a Parent Governor, I will give my time and support to Abbeyfields and the School Governing Body.
Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family and watching Formula 1. |
| Lisa Shooter |
 | All I ever wanted to be was a teacher, I have always loved working with young people, being part of their journey and seeing the difference that can be made. I became a dance teacher first while I was still at school and continued this all through university. I I studied in London which was quite an experience but always knew I wanted to teach back in the North East.
When I had my daughters, I began the search for the school in the area that was best for them and us as a family. I looked around a few schools but knew the moment I stepped foot in Abbeyfields that it was where I wanted my girls to spend their first school years. The school was so welcoming and had such a warm, nurturing family feel; it was perfect. The fact that it was also a successful school was a bonus!
My girls were incredibly happy here at Abbeyfields and had the very best start to their education that we could have hoped for. I had just left my job as a Literacy Consultant when I was offered the opportunity to take a temporary post here. I loved working with the staff and the children, it felt like my second family and I have loved it ever since.
Since working here I have had many additional roles, I ran the Nursery for almost ten years and was honoured to be at the start of the journey for so many Abbeyfields children. I am very proud to be a Licensed Thrive Practitioner which means so much to me as it really helps us to understand the needs, feelings and emotions of all our children. I also lead on Pupil Premium and PHSE which are also very important to me because they can have such an impact on our children.
I am proud every day that I am a teacher at Abbeyfields First School. Proud of the difference I can make and proud to be part of this family.