PE and Sports Premium Funding

Academic Year 2023-24

Abbeyfields First School received  £18,360 in PE and Sport Premium funding in the academic year of 2023-2024.

Cost Intent Implementation Impact Sustainability
£9,812 All children will have the opportunity to develop their key physical skills and instil a love of physical activity by having the opportunity to take part in competitions and festivals. On-going staff CPD will ensure quality teaching, enabling our children to gain knowledge and key skills to progress to their full potential. Receive 1 full day of expert-led curriculum PE per week by our PE Specialist. This will include access to sports competitions, festivals, after school clubs and sports CPD. Our children have taken part in regular specialist-led PE lessons and have shown good progress in key skills.  Children have shown a keenness to become involved in the opportunities offered to them –

Multiskills events

Tag rugby

Outdoor adventurous activities

Problem solving



Sports after school clubs

Inter-school football league

This has led to children having a love of physical activity and therefore more likely to join in after school physical activities.

Staff feel more confident in delivering their own PE lessons.

To continue to offer children these experiences in the next academic year
£200 To encourage teamwork, sportsmanship and a sense of belonging.  To develop a sense of pride and achievement.


Printing certificates for each child after the London Mini Marathon and Abbeyfields Sports Day.

Printing and laminating bibs for children to wear who took part in the Children’s Cancer Run.

Children enjoy receiving recognition for their efforts, which in turn encourages them to talk about their achievements and want to repeat them.

Giving the children a sense of belonging and instilling great sportsmanship ethics.

Children will want to repeat sporting experiences and take part in the wider community events too.

Children will be proud of their achievements and a love of sport will be developed.

£120 To participate in an activity day arranged by Northumberland School Games. We hired a bus to take a group of children to a sporting event.


The children took part in lots of activities throughout the day.  They felt proud to be part of the Abbeyfields team and developed many skills including


Team work

Trying their best


Supporting/encouraging others

The children chosen for this event will have gained new skills to replicate back in school.
£50 To ensure our PE Specialist is up to date with health and safety regulations regarding the teaching of PE. PE Specialist purchased AFPE safe practice book


Our PE specialist can now confidently plan and deliver PE lessons safely. To be confident planning and delivering PE lessons for future years.
£2025 To support our athletics festivals and deliver PE initiatives at lunchtimes, encouraging active playtimes We employed a teaching assistant to work for 2 hours each lunchtime and to accompany us to festivals. Children have been active for 45 minutes during the school day during active playtimes.  Children have gained new skills during the festivals, which has led to children having a love of physical activity and therefore more likely to join in after school physical activities. To continue to offer children these experiences in the next academic year
£3620 To manage team games at lunchtimes, playtimes and during afternoons. We employed a teaching assistant to work for 4 hours each day Children have been active for 45 minutes during the school day during active playtimes.

Target children have taken part in social and active games to support their emotional, mental and physical health.

To continue to offer children these experiences in the next academic year
£960 To encourage cycling skills from Early Years We bought 3 balance bikes and 4 small bikes for Reception Establish cycling skills from the earliest ages and increase the children’s confidence Future Reception children will continue to use these and gain the same skills.
£210 To encourage cycling skills from Early Years We bought 7 cycling helmets To ensure the safety of all children whilst on the bikes. Future Reception children will continue to use these and gain the same skills.


We introduced and established the WOW Living Streets Walk to School campaign to encourage active lifestyles. We directed teacher time to research, train in, introduce, establish and administer this scheme More children, biking, scooting and walking to school, therefore contributing to children being active for an hour each day. This scheme will be ongoing during the next academic year.
£1380 To enable the continuation of indoor floor based PE We bought 15 gym mats Children have access to safe mats and two classes can now be taught gymnastics at the same time. High quality mats will ensure these are used  for future years.
Total spent



Planning for the future

Going forward we feel that it is vital to continue to have a PE Specialist working in our school each week.  The specialist teaching is outstanding and the opportunities for the children to access high quality PE lessons, festivals and after school clubs is invaluable.  Accessing regular and supportive CPD will continue to upskill our staff members.