Attendance at Abbeyfields

Senior Leader for Attendance – Mrs L Sykes

Attendance Policy

Aim for 100%

At Abbeyfields, we take pride in the relationships we develop with parents and the support we put in place if a child needs some extra attention to make academic progress.

How does attendance impact my child’s attainment?

There is much national evidence that demonstrates the correlation between high attendance and positive academic and social development.

With even a 5% drop in attendance, we can see the difference in children’s attainment by the end of the academic year. The number of sessions missed can hamper children’s ability to catch up and make the progress of which they are capable. 

Maintaining good attendance helps give children the best opportunity to make good academic and personal developmental progress, enabling them to reach their full potential. 

We expect the children to attend school regularly – every day if possible

Half termly letters are sent to parents and carers to keep them informed about current attendance at school. Where we have attendance concerns, parents will be contacted and support offered. Where persistent concerns remain, an Attendance Action Plan will be drawn up and agreed. We may also seek support from our Educational Welfare Officer.

Our ambitious school target for attendance is 98% for every child and no less than 96%, because of the link between attendance and children’s achievement.

Punctuality at Abbeyfields

Our doors open at 8:40 so that all children can be in class ready to learn at the start of the school day at 08:45; please arrive promptly so your child can have a calm start to the day and not miss out on anything that their friends get who are on time. There is nothing better than the happy buzz of children coming into school with their friends and we know how difficult it can be for children to arrive later and feel on the “back foot” as they start their day. 

Thank you for working hard to be at school in good time.

We also offer Before School and After School Clubs

We recognise that, on occasion, absence is unavoidable. When this is the case it is important that school is notified, with a reason, at the earliest opportunity. However, we also ask for your support in encouraging your child to come to school and ‘give it a go’ wherever possible. Please use this guidance from the NHS to help.


Every minute counts

Lateness = Lost Learning

Did you know…


(Figures calculated over a school year)

 = Lost Learning
 5 minutes late each day  = 3 days lost
 10 minutes late each day  = 6.5 days lost
 15 minutes late each day  = 10 days lost
 20 minutes late each day  = 13 days lost
 30 minutes late each day  = 19 days lost
  • A settled start…calm and ready to learn
  • Improved life chances
  • Building lasting relationships
  • Reaching their fullest potential
  • Instilling great life skills

Every school day counts

Absence = Lost Learning

 365 days in a Year  190 School Days in Total  Absence
 100% attendance  190 days  0
 95% attendance  180 days  2 weeks
 90% attendance  171 days  4 weeks
 85% attendance  161 days  6 weeks
 80% attendance  152 days  8+ weeks
 75% attendance  143 days  9+ days

Two weeks holiday during term time is over 50 lessons missed.

Missing school is missing out

Your child’s education is very important. Regular school attendance helps pupils fulfil their potential and gives them a better chance for the future.

Every day absence from school is an opportunity missed.

Who can help if you are having difficulties getting your child to school on time every day?

Mrs Ford – Headteacher, Abbeyfields School on 01670 513582

Leave of absence during term time

Leave of Absence can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances, which does NOT include family holidays (although some flexibility will be considered for the particular circumstances of HM Forces families). Difficulties associated with parents’ or carers’ employment cannot be taken into account.

We will consider issues related to terminal illness/bereavement, and very occasional, irregular, short absences (one, or very exceptionally two days) to help accommodate special family occasions. In any event, Regulations do not allow absences to be approved after the event.

Regulations place this entirely at the discretion of the Headteacher. If the Headteacher limits, or does not authorise Leave of Absence, but the child is still taken out of school or kept away for longer than was first agreed, the absence is unauthorised.

Schools are held accountable for the levels of attendance achieved by their pupils: we have no choice but to follow the rules.

A Leave of Absence form can be obtained by clicking HERE