Abbeyfields Curriculum Drivers
Year Group Curriculum Overviews
Our curriculum – what do we want to achieve?
At Abbeyfields, we want our children to be happy, confident learners. Every aspect of their development is important to us. We provide unique learning experiences to create a ‘level playing field’ so each child in our school is treated equally, enabling them to succeed and achieve their potential. Our curriculum is carefully constructed to ensure all pupils gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes to raise their aspirations and equip them for their future lives.
Curriculum drivers and clearly identified, transferable concepts and skills are taught through a subject specialist approach…with memorable activities and lots of fun along the way. We want our children to love learning. To relish it and want more.
We consider our local context and plan carefully to address current priorities. We want our pupils to be independent and resilient. We do this by providing experiences that challenge them, develop their problem solving skills and help them respond positively to obstacles or mistakes. We believe in a curriculum that gives our children a well rounded education.
Our love of outdoor learning enhances all aspects of learning – academic, emotional and character development. We want our community (and beyond) to know Abbeyfields children and be impressed by their knowledge, articulacy, respect and ambition.
Abbeyfields curriculum in action
We use a combination of cross-curricular approaches and subject specific units of work to teach our curriculum. All subjects are planned using units of work which form part of carefully sequenced long term plans.
Careful consideration has been given to the timetable to ensure breadth and depth of coverage of all subjects. Some subjects may be taught weekly, others may be taught half-termly or in blocks. Over the three terms of the academic year, each child has the opportunity to experience the full range of National Curriculum subjects, and over the duration of a whole key stage, the pupil will have been taught all subjects in line with the National Curriculum. Our curriculum is ambitious and goes beyond National Curriculum expectations to inspire our children and to prepare them for their future lives. A great deal of thought has been put into our curriculum overview, alongside long and medium term plans to ensure our children are able to learn more and remember more.